City Clerk Jennifer Ross
The City Clerk's duties responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:
Publish and post all notices, keep the City seal, records and documents of the City and of the City Council's proceedings
Maintain records of Ordinances, Resolutions, City Codes and other City records
Administer oaths required by law and by the ordinances of the City
Conduct municipal elections and manage record storage
Muskegon Heights City Clerk Contact Information:
Muskegon Heights City Hall
2724 Peck Street
Muskegon Heights, Michigan 49444
Phone: 231-733-8820
Foreclosure List for 2021 Foreclosures of 2018 and prior taxes
Process Schedule, all relevant documents linked below. Purchase Proposal FormName Address (and proof – see form)Phone EmailProof of funds Included/attached: Recent Bank Statement, Bank Letter of Credit or Guarantee, Cashiers Check for full amountAcknowledgement of TermsTerms List – OverviewLimitations: Muskegon Heights Residency; 1 Proposal Permitted per Person unless Cashiers Check Provided w/ProposalTotal Funds Required for…