FY 2025 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Project Plan


The City of Muskegon Heights will hold a public meeting on proposed improvements and upgrades to its
Drinking Water System for the purpose of receiving comments from interested persons. The meeting will
be held at 5:30 p.m. on May 13, 2024, at the Muskegon Heights City Hall, 2724 Peck Street, Muskegon
Heights, MI 49444 as part of its regular City Council Meeting. The meeting can also be accessed remotely
as with regular City Council meetings via Zoom and broadcast on Facebook live at
The purpose of the proposed improvements is to provide a more reliable and resilient water supply and
distribution system. The City has prepared a Project Plan as required to apply for low interest loans through
the State of Michigan’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund to complete these improvements. The water
system needs have been evaluated in the plan. Generally, the projects proposed to be completed in the next
five years include:
1. Water distribution system improvements including replacement of aging and undersized water
2. Improvements at the Water Treatment Plant.
3. Replacement of lead and galvanized water services to meet State of Michigan requirements for
removal, which are intended to reduce the potential of lead in customers’ water.
Impacts of the proposed project include those typical of utility construction such as temporary disruptions
from noise, dust, and traffic congestion. The benefits will be a more reliable water supply and distribution
system; provide for increased accessibility for operation, maintenance, and emergency response; and lower
potential for lead exposure through reduction of lead and galvanized service lines to customers’ homes.
The estimated cost of implementing Year 1 (FY 2025) of the Project Plan is $16,420,000, which results
in an estimated cost to the average residential customer of $18.99 per month, assuming all costs are
supported by a loan. The amount of any rate increase will depend on grants or principal forgiveness that
may be provided, and how many of the projects are constructed.
A copy of the plan detailing the proposed projects is available for inspection here

City Clerk’s Office
Muskegon Heights City Hall
2724 Peck Street
Muskegon, MI 49444
Written comments received before and during the meeting on May 22, 2023, will receive responses in the final project plan. Written comments should be sent to the Muskegon Heights City Clerk’s Office.